The lack of viable DC circuit breaker technologies limits the implementation and use of DC grids. The difficulty in MVDC and HVDC switching – the lack of natural zero crossings of direct current– has resulted in several proposed CB designs that artificially induce current zero-crossings to enable the opening of the DC breaker. One such solution is the hybrid circuit breaker. We are developing a novel hybrid DC circuit breaker that could enable multi-terminal DC power systems. The breaker’s mechanical switch allows switching speeds ten times faster than existing technology and serves as the primary, near-lossless, current path while a power electronics-based circuit handles the fault current. A new configuration of the fast switching and solid-state devices/circuits further reduces steady-state losses. A new control scheme dramatically reduces the peak fault current levels, enabling more compact packaging and increasing reliability.
This project is sponsored by ARPA-E and is in collaboration with the Center for Advanced Power Systems at Florida State University.
Plasma and Dielectrics Lab
Georgia Institute of Technology
Research in the field of gas, liquid, and solid dielectrics for various applications including Aerospace Systems, Naval Systems, Super Grid, and Switchgear.
Center For Advanced Power Systems
Florida State University
Research focuses on electric power systems modeling and simulation, power electronics and machines, control systems, thermal management, cyber-security for power systems, high-temperature superconductor characterization and electrical insulation.